Analytical Mode: Alloy Analysis, including Fast ID and Pass-Fail options
In this intrument, the mode operates with a default tube voltage of 40kV and current of 24 uA. A 250 uM copper filter is used to remove low-energy X-rays emitted by the target (source), thus improving the signal-to-background ratio. Modified settings of voltage and filtering can be optionally used for specialized alloys.
Analytical mode uses the Fundamental Parameters algorithm for determining composition. Further, alloys and metal are identified by comparing the chemistry values to those in a table of grade specifications, as illustrated below.
Analysis of a 2005 US nickel 5-cent piece matches specifications in grade library and is identified as UNS C71300, “Copper Nickel”
Fast ID is an empirical method involving spectral fingerprints for which standards have been loaded: the observed spectrum is compared against a library of spectra. Pass-Fail mode uses a combination of fingerprints and chemistry values from the standard analytical mode (one or the other or both) to identify materials for QA-QC purposes.